By Courtney Moore
Halloween will be here before you know it, which is why you should start thinking about a costume for your pet.
Whether your pet is big or small or furry or scaly, there’s a Halloween costume that can work. Some can be made at home while others may require a quick trip to your local Petco, PetSmart or indie pet shop. If you have time for shipping, you can also take a peek at what’s available online.
Regardless of which DIY or shopping method you choose, here are five easy costume ideas you should consider if you’re making plans to celebrate the spooky holiday.
Dress your pet up as another animal

A tiger pelt makes a great Halloween costume for any owner who wants to bring out their pet's wild side. (Petco)
There’s just something fun about dressing up your pet as another animal. You can choose a tiger pelt or a lion’s mane and be done with it. Or you can choose any other creature in the animal kingdom, including pandas, sharks, chickens or bumblebees.
Dress your pet up as your favorite snack

Foodies are sure to love any pet Halloween costume that reminds them of their favorite dish. (PetSmart)
Food costumes are another top pick for festive pet owners. Hot dogs appear to be a top pick across the board, but you can choose whichever dish is your favorite. Whether it be pizza, burgers, sushi, donuts or avocados, your options are endless.
Dress your pet up as a classic Halloween witch

A witch costume can be purchased or recycled from Halloweens past. Just make sure it's sized right for your pet. (iStock)
Maybe you don’t want your pet to chew through or paw at the costume you get them. That’s fine. You can always get away with a classic Halloween witch look if you have an old witch hat lying around your home. Bonus points if you can find a miniature broom.
Dress your pet up as a clown

Clown costumes are a fun way to bring out your pet's silly side. (SWNS)
Got a pet that likes to act silly? Then maybe you’ll want to consider a fun clown costume this Halloween. You can get a full clown outfit or opt for a simpler look with a clown wig or nose.
Dress your pets up as a bride and groom

A bride and groom couple's costume is a great option if you want to keep two pets dressed in a cohesive theme. (iStock)
If you’re a pet parent of two, you’re going to need to double up on your costuming this year. What better way to celebrate your pet pair than with a matching bride and groom set? All you need is a veil and tie to complete the look.
It's so cute.